$997.00 USD


War Dogs Academy

Mastering the Art of Contracting

Learn To Win Contracts Today!

 Are you ready to start winning government contracts? Our comprehensive program, "Mastering the Art of Contracting", was made to teach you how to win government contracts, period. 

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, our step-by-step guides will show you how to register with the government, find contracts, contact suppliers, and win bids. All without having to make the same mistakes we made along our own journey. 


🔍 What's Included:

1. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of industry experts who have won millions in government contracts, along with tips from contracting officers who will give you the tricks of the trade for how to win more contracts. Our carefully curated content is designed to provide you with practical insights and real-world strategies to find, bid, and win government contracts.

2. Step-by-Step Courses: Dive into a structured learning path that covers everything from finding suitable first contracts and suppliers all the way through to bidding on multi-million dollar contracts. Each module is designed to build upon the last, to make sure you get a comprehensive view of the government contracting landscape. 

3. Strong Community:  When we first started bidding contracts, it would have been a massive advantage to have a group of like minded people to collaborate with and network with other contractors. This is exactly why we created the War Dogs community. We want to provide a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are all passionate about contracting and growing their business.

For 3 months FREE ($150 Value) come engage in discussions, share experiences, and network with professionals who understand the challenges and triumphs of the contracting world. David Packouz and his team will do regular Q & A sessions EVERY WEEK to help you every step of the way for your government contracting journey. In addition to the Q and A sessions and networking opportunities, we will be dropping exclusive podcasts with multi-millionaire govcon brokers and other industry insiders.

If you need one on one mentoring, we will offer mentorship programs to assist you in every aspect of contracting.


Check Out What Our Students Are Saying:

"I recently finished the course and it absolutely blew my mind with how much valuable info was in it compared to other courses I’ve bought at a higher price! This was so cool as well, since it was more like a school, having to take quizzes and I learn a lot more with those!

The Academy provided a deep dive into government contracting details that I haven’t seen anywhere else and didn’t even know about and it’s been amazing! With the helpful community as well, this is the best course I’ve ever enrolled in. The War Dogs are very genuine and supportive, great customer service. This investment can literally take years off the learning curve. Thank you guys so much for the amazing Q&A’s and everything! Thanks War Dogs Academy! 👍"

Jonathan Taylor- Cypress, Texas

"Done with the academy courses. Perfect amount of info and structure. Especially for myself coming in completely new. Company registration, email, website, logo, EIN #, and bank account complete. Now onto to the challenge over at sam.gov!"

Stanley Jarosz- Tulsa, Oklahoma

"Just completed the course it goes so in depth, I love it honestly, @War Dogs this is a game changer, now time to go back through and fully understand each and every moving part!"

Jay White- Fedrealburg, Texas


         Get Started Today!